valentine garner bedford co tn
Melissa's Genealogy
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewRogers be appointed as a Justice of the Peace replacing Valentine Garner McConnico, John Buchanan, Mary Stevens and Martha Hill. .... Bedford County Militia Petition of Bedford County asking to form a new militia brigade. Bedford
1812 in Bedford Co ., TN , d. abt. 1820. (reference: Bedford County TN Deed Book R , p. ...... He was the son of Levi John Valentine and Ailey Simpson Beasley Fritts. Married Monroe Garner . Lucy and Monroe had the following children:
LAND - Migrations Project - Surname Page
29 Jun 1998 Looking for any information on John Walker and Nanc(e)y Garner Walker, ...... 1789 in Bedford Co ., TN . . Living in Gibson Co., TN in 1819.
Valentine Garner
29 Sep 1999 My other Cash ggg-grandfather was Valentine Cash, son of Elkin Cash, .... William Gregory was born in Bedford Co , TN about 94 years ago.
Re: Greens of Bell Buckle, Bedford Co ., TN - 1800's
COMER - off Hebron rd - off 231 near Rutherford co .line .... Fisher, Fletcher, Follis, Frakes, Garner , Gibson++, Gilbert, Goddard, Goolsby, Graves, Roper ( s), Sanders, Shepard, Spickard, Stroude, Valentine , Word ++, unmakrd .... death - Eliza G Dill 1833-91/ Wm D Ashworth Co I Tn cav / E G Patterson 1847-1929/
Garner Pit AL, Terry Ragon, Short Cave, Merit .... Dead Dog Drop, Bedford Co , TN , Jeremy Hill, Horizontal Caves/ New Cartographer .... Bud's Valentine Cave, Franklin Co., TN , Brent Aulenbach, Small Caves, Best Small Caves
Izard County , Arkansas, Queries - Page1
valentine garner bedford co tn . jennifer garner and james garner related. hope garner new hampshire. johnathan garner sullivan missouri
Bedford county
Martha Moore, b 1821/2, possibly in Bedford Co TN , m Cyrus H Randolph; Margaret Catherine Moore, .... Gibson Cecil Ross; Annette Garner Thomas m. Kline Bedwell Katie Lee Bearden b 1899 Davidson Co, TN m Frederick Vivian Davis Phyllis A. Valentine b. 1925 Dayton, OH; Virginia Elaine Valentine b. 1921
The T1 mtDNA Project: Matriarchs
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewRobert Cannon – Bedford County . William Moore – Lincoln and Giles Counties ..... Valentine S. Allen – Gibson, Carroll and Dyer Counties .... Sixteenth District – William A. Garner – Giles, Lawrence and Wayne Counties
Descendancy of John Medearis
4, Bedford Co ., TN - Head of House - Male b.<1847> TN Pg# 372A John H Holder s/o Gabriel Holder b. 10, Franklin Co., TN - Head of House - Male b.<1849> TN Callaway Garner Holder, Cal : ..... 1806 (stepfather Valentine H Bell, b.1785 )
SERA Map Salon Results
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Valentine GARNER , born 10 Dec 1813 Randolph Co NC married Pulaski Co MO 1 Jan Jun 1780 NC, died 3 Feb 1847 Bedford Co TN , married 9 Jul 1801 Humphrey
Bryant & Lucretia Garner CASH
27 Jun 2010 1774, Randolph Co., NC; d. WFT Est. 1775-1868; m. GARNER . .... Two of their sons : Valentine Ignatious Burch and James Burch, participated in the fight ..... Father: Thomas LITTLEPAGE b: 1779 in Bedford County , Virginia
Granville Co ., NC - Archived Query Page
BACK - Daughters of the Republic of Texas
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View Valentine Mattox b: 1751 in Bedford County , Virginia d: 1825 in Davies County, Virginia Virginia ( Bedford Co ) d: 1834 in Tennessee . Nathaniel Shrewsbury Ancestors of James Paul VanSant, Jr. Martha Garner Mattie Rea. John Mattox
In keeping with our policy of - USGenWeb Archives - census wills
It also fits well with references to his will in Bedford County , ..... Greene County, Tennessee , son of Col. Valentine Sevier and Naomi Douglas. ..... 1811, in Tennessee ; died May 12, 1891, married Miriam Caroline Garner March 5, 1840.
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