nicholas sir valentine brown
Encyclopedia of Astrology ( Nicholas deVore)
Blake, Sir Valentine , of Menlough, MP for Galway 1634. Biography Brown , John ., Obadiah., Whitehall. 1688. Browne, Helen, wife of Nicholas , Lord Kenmare.
Nicholas Fanning was Mayor of Limerick in 1630, and was, doubtless, a mortagee of ...... Dermot O'Kerin, Oankeagh; Sir Valentine Brown , Bart., and Thos.
Sir Valentine Browne
Sir Valentine Browne held the office of Auditor-General [Ireland].1 He lived at .... 19 Mar 1741/42|p5115.htm#i51146| Sir Nicholas Browne, 4th Bt.|d.
Sir Valentine Browne, (5th Baronet, 3rd Viscount Kenmare) was born in March
Nicholas beaulieu || Nicholas copernicus christian || ::
by M Hickson - 1889 mentioned, says that Sir Nicholas Plunket was a 'man in great daughter before mentioned, who married Sir Valentine Brown , Bart.
One Name Studies
His son Sir Nicholas married Sheila, a daughter of The O'Sullivan Beare, .... Be My Valentine , Charlie Brown : This classic Peanuts story centers on the - Person Page 23561
Sir Valentine Browne of Croft or Crofts (Lincolnshire) and Hoggsden Thomazine Bacon (dau of Robert Bacon, sister of Sir Nicholas the Lord Keeper) .... William Apsley of Pullborough by Annabella, dau of John Brown , "Master of Awney")
Browne, Viscount Kenmare
Sir William Wray, George St Pooles, Charles Bolles, Valentine Brown , .... Sir Robert Jermyn, Sir Anthony Henningham, Sir Nicholas Bacon, Sir John Higham,
Books of Survey and Distribution 1636-1703: Notes
Sir Valentine Browne, 3rd Baronet, and 1st Viscount Kenmare, Margaret Browne , only dau, mar 1761 to Nicholas Lawless, 1st Baron Cloncurry and had issue.
1889 NOTES AND DOCUMENTS 585 it is still less difficult to
Arms of Brown or Broun of Scotland. Many similar arms are record for the name in stem from an Elizabethan Englishman, Sir Valentine Browne (died 1589) of .... Sir William and his son Sir Nicholas were witnesses to the foundation
Browne coat of arms
Valentine Browne may refer to several members of the family of the Earl of Kenmare: Sir Valentine Browne (died 1589); Sir Valentine Browne,
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