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Doug Davies, Douglas R . Davies, Navigation Report
Douglas R . Valentine , First Baptist Church, Kansas City, MO. Faith-Based Initiatives and Public Policy. Congregations in the Kansas City metropolitan area
Douglas R Valentine , 43402 (
Douglas R Valentine . $900 to National Republican Congressional Committee Contributions from February 5, 1996 to October 15, 1999. Douglas R Valentine
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5 Dec 2010 Valentine , Douglas R Mr. BOWLING GREEN, OH 43402, D-K Enterprises LND Fill & Disp./Se, $2000, 12/01/2005, P, NATIONAL REPUBLICAN
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5 Jan 2011 Preferred Properties, Mr. Douglas R Valentine Daniel Valentine Campaign Contributions and Donations Welcome to Preferred Properties Company,
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Douglas R Valentine
Directory: DOUGLAS R VALENTINE . SurfIP > Directory > " DOUGLAS R VALENTINE ". Show options Hide analytics, 1-2 of about 2 results. Display option
Passing the Torch | Douglas Young
1 post - 1 author - Last post: 18 Dec 2006 Douglas R . Olson, 50, of Litchfield died today, Dec. Valentine Crafts: Tootsie Pop Valentine , butterfly, Clothespin Clip
Douglas R . Olson, 50 | Litchfield Independent Review
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2 Mar 2010 Tim's official Passing The Torch contribution Bobby Valentine – again, Doug , this is precious. Your wife sounds like a beautiful,
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16 Dec 2010 Douglas R . Valentine , First Baptist Church, Kansas City, MO. Faith-Based Initiatives and Public Policy. Congregations in the Kansas City
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